Crystal Ridge Skating Club

Spring Skate  Registration is Now Open.


Click here to Register 


Our Programs


PreCanSkate is for ages 3-4 and is a dynamic learn-to-skate progam that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development.

Based on Sport Canada’s long term athlete development (LTAD) principles, The program centers on physical literacy and the fundamental skills needed to take part in any ice sport or to skate as a recreational activity.


CanSkate is for ages 5+ and is a dynamic learn-to-skate progam that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development.

Based on Sport Canada’s long term athlete development (LTAD) principles, CanSkate centers on physical literacy and the fundamental skills needed to take part in any ice sport or to skate as a recreational activity. 

Figure Skating

PreStar is the next step after CanSkate for skaters looking for an introduction to the sport of Figure Skating.


In the PreStar program skaters will learn a variety of beginner figure skating elements including turns, jumps, spins, and field movements. 


The PreStar program is a 45 minute fully instructed intro to figure skating program.

Figure Skating
STAR 1-5

The STAR 1-5 program offers the best-in-class figure skating curriculum in Canada, targeting athletes looking for a future in the sport.


Taught by Skate Canada NCCP coaches, the program introduces participants to the basic figure skating elements to create the foundation for singles, pairs, ice dance and synchronized skating.


All skaters in this program must have passed CanSkate Stage 6 or equivalent. Skaters may be any age. Adaptive skaters who have the required skating ability welcome.

Figure Skating
STAR 6 - Gold

The STAR 6 – Gold is an assessment and event structure for skaters who completed the Star 1-5 program.


This structure builds on the skills acquired in STAR 1-5 and introduces skaters to more advanced figure skating elements. 

Our Coaches

Below is the contact information for our coaching staff. They can be contacted if you are interested in private lessons.

Carly Brox

Regional Coach Trained 


Kristen Chadwick 

Certified Regional Coach

CanSkate and StarSkate 

(289) 407-2019 

Carol Ann Woodland

Certified National Coach 

CanSkate and StarSkate

(905) 382-6731

Danielle Landey

Regional Coach Trained 

CanSkate and StarSkate 

About Us

The Crystal Ridge Skating Club is a registered not-for-profit organization. 

The club is managed by volunteer board members, elected at the Annual General Meeting.

2024 / 2025 Board Members

President: Dayna Denham

Vice President: Rosanne Sandel

Treasurer: Danielle Biko

Secretary: Marc Dekker 

Coaches Rep: Kristen Chadwick

Bingo Chair: Suki Cho

Ice Chair: Corrina Gianfrancesco

Talk to us

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